Amps, did you say amps???
Ok, so it's been a long time since we have changed the type of Native American Flute Amplifier that offer for sale, but after trying our...
Authentic Hand Crafted Works of Art
When someone buys from us, they are not only purchasing a hand-made item, but they are buying our time, our sweat and a part of our...
Bush Crafters Unite!
Blue Bear Flutes recently joined the Reddit platform and made our first post in Bushcraft! Check out the videos and follow the comments!...
Blue Bear Flutes Amplifier
Returning after back-order for far too long is our Blue Bear Flutes Amp/Wireless Mic combo! If you are looking for a way to give your...
New New New!!!
This has been a very busy year for Blue Bear Flutes! We are currently running a sale on most of our flutes, working on our new music...
New Items and New Videos!!!
If you haven't seen our latest video on "Traditional Tuning", you really should watch it! It will describe to you how we create our...
Blue Bear Flutes Video Submissions (update)
Thank you all so much for your video submissions! There are many more than we expected and I'm thrilled to see so many happy people...
Busy Bees At Blue Bear Flutes!
Bees and Bears go together like peas and carrots, right (except maybe that the carrots don't usually eat the honey that the peas have...
New Updates for April!
Well, lots and lots of flutes going all over the world as you can imagine! We've been preparing a few wonderful additions to our current...